
Joanna Vidaurre-Trujillo Author

Joanna Vidaurre-Trujillo was born in Embudo, New Mexico, and raised in the Cuchilla Pelada in the upper end of Llano de San Juan Nepomuceno, a small agricultural village situated thirty miles south of Taos, New Mexico. As the daughter of a native northern New Mexican mother and a Mexican father, she proudly embraces her mixed racial heritage. Joanna is a graduate of Peñasco High School. Years later, as a non-traditional student, she graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in Education and a Master’s degree in Guidance and Counseling from New Mexico Highlands University. After years of service in the public schools, she is happily retired and concurrently working on another collection of stories based on her late mother’s memories of times gone by. Joanna is committed to writing to preserve the dying dialect of her beloved Llano de San Juan Nepomuceno. 

You can contact her with questions, comments, constructive criticism, suggestions or mitote at lacuchillapelada54@gmail.com.

Papas y Frijoles Book Cover - copyright Joanna Trujillo

$22.00 each